Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Hallo everybody I’m a dove and I’ve always liked to help the people. I flew everywhere they asked me.
When I was young my family and I lived in the roof in a small city in Ohio. Their roof was comfortable and they were a good family and every day after they eat, john’s mother gave to us the rest of the meal. So, the time passed over and John became a very handsome young man and he decided to study at the Columbia University, New York.
At the first time he continued his studies with all his energy, but the bad company and the big city led him in bad way. He had a lot of problems with drugs and he didn’t study as before.
His parents were worried and his mother asked me if I could to do something for their son. No, she isn’t crazy!...She speaks with me because she knows my secret: I CAN BE A MAN!
I don’t know why, but my father told me that one like me can be born only once in a hundred years.
So one day I went to a house in Mortimer Street, to the same palace where John lived and I became his neighbor.
At the first time I thought it was very strange that a student lived in that lodging house but only at the end of history I knew the truth.
John didn’t believe in him-self, he didn’t talk to his family and the worst point he was that he wasn’t able to love anybody. He had a bad job, bad wages and a lot of hours work.
One week passed over and John was curious to do my acquaintance so one day I invited him into my house to have a tea!
I pretended to be Japanese and that my English was elementary, so we were in quiet silence. He was strange and when the tea smell went in his direction, I knew that he was thinking about his life and his wish to change it. After the tea I vanished but I leaved a present for him on the table in the tiny kitchen: a green tea packet.
I know that the flat near John’s house was empty for same days.
But one day a girl rented it and John met his life’s love, he finished his studies and he became a lawyer.
This is John’s history…

Luca Signorelli

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